Wednesday 28 March 2018

Managing your RTD project. Horizon 2020. European Commission

Guidance is available

Once the grant agreement is signed, your project must be carefully managed until completion. Guidance is available at each step of the way, in the form of reporting templates and deadlines to keep to throughout the project.

Factors to take into account

  • reporting - you must submit regular technical and financial reports to the Commission
  • deliverables - you may have to submit deliverables (information, a special report, a technical diagram brochure, list, software milestone, etc.) identified in the grant agreement

Checks, audits and reviews

The Commission will monitor the implementation of project (during or afterwards) to ensure its compliance with the grant agreement. The process of checks, audits and reviews may involve:
  • checking the action has been properly implemented in accordance with the grant agreement, including assessing whether deliverables and reports are consistent with the description and work plan
  • financial audits on your accounts as the beneficiary, to verify the eligible costs incurred


Your grant agreement may need to be amended if there are any changes to its terms and conditions.

Keeping records

It is important to keep records and other supporting documentation to prove that your project has been properly implemented. This includes keeping records on eligible costs and corresponding accounts.

Our products allow you to keep control of your RTD project financial reporting.

Feel free to reach out to us. MAIL


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